New Children of the Hotel Dunsmuir

Meet the New Kids on the Block

James, one of the hotel's wonderful maintenance men, who has been here for five years, asked me today if I had welcomed the new children on the second floor?

I was more than a little puzzled and asked him what he was talking about. He simply said “follow me” and off he went.
I followed; he pointed out the window at the sweetest little children any mom has ever seen.

Apparently for the last five years a pair of pigeons have been nesting in the same spot, it is just a tiny space off the fire escape, I had to climb over the balcony and move a chair to get a closer picture of the new kids on the block.

What excitement these two precious babies brought, I have decided to call them after the maintenance men, one baby is James or Jane, the other is Ron or Rhonda, depending on the gender of course. ;-D

The children are walking (updated July 30th) ;-D


False alarm! My children are not walking, hip hip hurrah, I didn’t miss those precious first steps, it was their pigeon Mom that I saw walking, what a lifting of my spirits! Peeped out yesterday and there were my darlings, sound asleep, with all their fluffy little feathers in tact. They are losing their sweet whitish feathers daily and are getting to look much more like their Mom, pigeon Mom that is.

They are so much more alert, getting bigger and bigger, healthier and healthier, I could keep going for hours on all of their developmental feats. A huge thanks to Moma pigeon and all the sterling work she is doing to keep my darlings nourished, Dad too.

Uncle Tyler is going to get on his pigeonuter and research some of the facts on this fascinating subject.  I eagerly await his detailed report, I expect a thesis which will include:  the difference between boy and girl pigeons, Mom and Dad pigeons, what they eat, how the babies use the “loo” while in the nest, and any other pertinent information that will enhance the joys of pigeon parenthood. Photos of their developmental stages would be greatly appreciated.

~ Soti

Also read: Kevin Daniel Came to Visit Today

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